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Green Field


Loving God, His Word, and people so that God is glorified, His Word is proclaimed, and people are impacted.



We agree with God that His word, the Bible, is divinely inspired and inerrant, and is to be absolutely authoritative in our worship, our preaching, planning, programming, and personal lives.

2 Timothy 3:14-17​



We agree with God that He has graciously given our local church gifted believers who are equipping and serving others for the spiritual growth of each person, and for His glory and our joy.

Ephesians 4:11-16


We agree with God that He has called us to live missionally and engage in personal evangelism, local community outreach and global missions.

Matthew 28:18-20


We agree with God that prayer should be a priority in our lives both individually and corporately; that we should consistently and constantly seek the Lord in all things and at all times.

Philippians 4:4-7



We agree with God that we, as individuals and as a church, must passionately proclaim our love for Him and our trust in all that He is as revealed to us in His word.

Psalm 34:1-3



We agree with God that, even while living in this fallen world, we are called to unconditionally and sacrificially love those in Christian community with us here at Grace.

Acts 2:43-47

Here's what to expect on Sunday morning


Come comfortable. It is not always easy to visit a church for the first time, so come dressed however you are comfortable. We want you to be more focused on the service than what you’re wearing. Some people dress up and some choose to dress down. 



We have Sunday school for all ages at 9 AM.  We enjoy learning about God's truths in a smaller, casual setting.



This time is set aside for praising God from our hearts.  We worship with piano, drums, keyboard, guitar, and voices.  You’re welcome to do what comes from the heart in praise to God. There is a staffed nursery available for children ages 0-3, though you are more than welcome to enjoy the service with your little ones.


In every service you will hear a relevant, straightforward message that is based on Scripture and is designed to be helpful in your everyday life. These messages will help you develop a growing, vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ and provide a strong biblical foundation for your life. During this time, children ages 4-8 are invited downstairs to attend Children's Church where they will hear a lesson from God's Word that is age appropriate.



We celebrate communion together on designated Sunday morning services. Anyone can participate in this time of reflection and prayer – as long they’ve made the decision to follow Jesus Christ.  The bread and juice that we share are a symbol of his body and his blood.



There is an offering box located in the foyer for Grace members to worship God through the giving of tithes and offerings.  As a guest, please do not feel any pressure to give.  This is an act of worship for our regular attendees, allowing them to thank God for all of the great work he is doing in their lives.

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